Friday, December 2, 2011

The North Face's Reach for Innovation: 1966-2000, Caroline Brent

View The North Face’s Reach for Innovation: 1966-2000 in a larger map


  1. You map is well done. I like being able to click on certain points and read what is going on specifically. Descriptions are nice, for the most part. it wouldn't be a bad idea to elaborate on some of the points that don't have that much information. You also you draw arrows connecting manufactures to distributers or just show some way the the areas are connected.
    -Aubrey Hoffman

  2. I really like how you labeled absolutely everything! Instead of seeing "line 17," I know that I'm looking the shipping line for major product transportation. Yes, your map may be lacking "lines" compared to others, however its hard finding these sorts of information. I think if you did your best, then it looks fine. (I would much rather see just one line than see all the small plants being connected to the headquarters.)
    -Julia Licholai

  3. I really like how you labeled everything and made it very clear to a reader who does not know much about the North Face. I think that showing how things are connected would make your map great!
    -Lauren Capobianco
